News Article

UCLAN and B&M Waste Services urge Lancashire Business owners to think green

UCLan and B&M Waste Services set a green example with their big yellow truck

B&M Waste Services, a carbon neutral waste management company have worked with University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) to help further improve recycling levels across the University’s Preston Campus.

Working closely together, the two organisations are now raising awareness across Preston and the Lancashire region of the importance of considering recycling in businesses, schools, colleges and Universities. Diverting waste from landfill is not only better for the environment, but better on the bank balance, as recycling collections typically cost less than general waste collections.

UCLan and B&M Waste ServicesAndy Coverdale, Estates Services Business Services Manager from UCLAN said “We’ve seen the diversion of general waste from landfill rise to 100% since working with B&M Waste. Businesses large and small can play their part and might even save some money by recycling more.”

Mick Ashall, Director at B&M Waste said “Our latest joint initiative sees our waste collection truck promoting the importance of recycling, as well as the partnership B&M Waste and UCLan have now forged. The University and its students have been very receptive to the ‘segregation at source’ ethos and we have committed to help them build on this to increase recycling and recovery levels.”

Mick Ashall and Andy Coverdale at UCLan Site“We urge businesses interested in looking to save money and reduce the environmental impact of their waste to get in touch so we can help. We offer a free 15-minute waste audit where we look to see how we can help businesses improve their waste management through recycling.”

Andy continued; “A recent waste audit conducted by B&M of our general waste highlighted waste streams that we can better manage such as coffee cups and plastic bottles to ensure reduction, re-use and recycling always come before disposal’


If you’re a business based in Preston or the Lancashire region, drop us a line and see how you could start saving both money and the environment through recycling-led waste management. From SME’s to national businesses, we provide a free waste audit and quote.

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