As a waste company engaged in the collection and disposal of commercial waste for the retail trade, commercial and private sectors.
Our main objectives through the nature of the business being a positive aspect, is to commit to the protection of the environment including the control and prevention of pollution and prevent work-related injury and all health. We aim to eliminate occupational health and safety and environmental hazards where possible and reduce risks from any hazards which cannot be eliminated. We strive to provide safe and healthy working conditions and encourage consultation and participation from all stakeholders, so they can contribute to their own welfare at work. We will also facilitate efficient transport, process treatment and recovery of commodities, prior to final disposal at approved sites.
We will maintain, adherence to applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the company subscribes, OH&S legislation and dialogue with the respective authorities in this regard. Our aim will be to strive for continual improvement through the review of our quality, environmental, and H&S objectives and targets, and purposeful evaluation of our processes in order to prevent pollution, and minimise risks. We are committed to complying with customer, statutory and regulatory requirements, and will continually improve the effectiveness of the integrated management system. The system will be reviewed at appropriate intervals, which will provide the framework for the setting and review of quality, environmental, and OH&S objectives and targets.
Our policy is to offer the most competitive, professional, and efficient service consistent with costs, and to ensure that the company’s organisational goals and objectives are met in line with the customer’s needs and expectations. We recognise the implications of the requirements as specified in the various regulations to which we operate, we will ensure that the operations carried out comply with the above.
In order to meet the requirements of the above regulations, and the needs and expectations of our customers in a cost-effective manner, the company will operate a system dedicated to the “Right First Time Approach”. It is a prime requirement of our approach to quality, environmental and OH&S issues that each person, including those who work for or on behalf of the company, recognises and accepts the company philosophy, and accepts the responsibility, for the quality of his/her own output and accountability for the health and safety of themselves and other whilst for or on behalf of the company.
To facilitate and ensure such success, our system of operation has been defined in the system manual and its supporting documentation compiled around the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001. The requirements as specified in the above system are expected of all personnel for or on behalf of the company.