
We offer a range of baling consumables and internal recycling bins that are available for purchase over on our online shop, with a free, fast delivery service.

Baling Essentials.

We offer different sizes, weights and lengths of baling tape, wire and twine on our online shop. With fast, free delivery, we help to ensure your business doesn’t run out of key baling products.

Over on the shop, we’ve also provided helpful information on baling tape, wire and twine. Our product specification tables will help you to order the right product for your baling equipment.

Recycling Bins.

We are able to supply Nexus recycling bins in 30, 50 and 100 litre capacities – meaning there is always a recycling solution available, even when space is limited.

These bins make waste segregation easy by offering separate bins for each waste stream, like cans, glass and paper, which means the chance of waste being 100% recycled is much greater.

Order all your baling consumables and internal recycling bins here at our online shop.

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