Hazardous Waste.

Our specialist team helps customers to safely store, transport and remove all kinds of hazardous waste.


We take the worry out of compliant recycling and disposal of all hazardous waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

Most businesses produce some form of hazardous waste such as batteries, aerosols, fluorescent tubes, chemicals and oil, and it is crucial to ensure that these are disposed of safely and compliantly. Hazardous waste, if mismanaged, can cause a great deal of harm to both human health and the environment and under The Hazardous Waste Regulations (2005), the penalties for not managing it correctly include heavy fines and even imprisonment.

Companies producing hazardous waste are obliged to separate it from non-hazardous waste, suitably store it and then dispose of it with a licensed waste carrier. By using B&M Waste, you can have peace of mind this waste will be stored, transported and disposed of legally and efficiently.

We provide many services to the healthcare sector including offensive, clinical, sharps and washroom services. Get in touch today for a quote.

A Complete And Compliant Service.

Our specialist hazardous waste team provide an end-to-end service to ensure you have a fully bespoke hazardous waste management solution that brings you peace of mind and offers excellent value for money, including:

  • A free, full site audit to identify all hazardous waste
  • Segregation, packing and labelling
  • Innovative solutions like our UN approved Envirosafe containers to remove small, damaged containers of waste
  • A customised strategy that recommends the most cost-effective containers and collection frequency
  • Safe, legal and fully audited recycling and disposal outlets
  • ‘Cradle to grave’ documentation ensuring total compliance

Offensive And Clinical Waste.

Whether you are producing small or large volumes of clinical or offensive waste, B&M Waste have the solution for you. We provide suitable UN approved containers and a reliable service collecting either sacks, wheelie bins or compactors. We can also supply you with a fully enclosed portable clean sweep compactor for offensive waste, complete with maintenance package and servicing. All services come with peace of mind that the waste in handled and treated responsibly and paperwork is provided per service accordingly.

Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

Items such as fridges, air conditioning units, laptops, televisions and computer hardware may be classed as hazardous waste and may need to be disposed of separately to non-hazardous WEEE. B&M Waste take all the hassle out of managing WEEE waste by providing a collection service that focuses on re-use and recycling to minimise any negative impact on the environment. 

Find Out How We Can Help Your Business.

Get a quote today.


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We take pride in delivering sustainable waste collection services to all sizes of businesses.

Carbon Neutral

We create tailored yet simplistic waste strategies for our customers to reduce waste and increase recycling.


We help our customers to save space, money and carbon by introducing technology and/or best working practices.


We are recognised as leaders in our industry, winning awards for both ourselves and our customers.

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