Corporate Social Responsibility.

Our corporate social responsibility values stem from 60 years in the business. We care about our customers, employees and the social and physical environment in which we operate.


We have at least one nominated charity in each of our locations, as well as Crisis, who is our national charity. Working together to support our nominated charities through donations, fundraising and volunteering the B&M Waste team take every opportunity to help the range of charities who support children and families in a range of difficult situations, which aligns with our own values and ethos. Find out more about this on our charity page

Carbon Management.

As a Carbon Neutral organisation, we have a full programme of activities taking place to maintain and constantly improve upon our own impact on the environment as a business, and always strive to help our customers to do the same. We have been Carbon Neutral since 2011 and help to pass on carbon savings to our customers through more efficient services and increased recycling, where possible. We plant trees at our customer sites and each tree planted is matched with a second planted in the Amazon Rainforest. We also support a Landfill Gas Reclamation project in Turkey to offset our carbon impact. All of this follows a comprehensive Carbon Management Plan being actioned this year to continue to reduce our carbon impact as much as possible.


Quality of service is key, and getting things right is another key to our success. We are constantly striving to be the best and our ISO quality standards are testament to this. Our quality customer service standards are also important to us and we have dedicated account management teams to ensure that you are able to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.


We offer a number of apprenticeships internally and are always working to ensure we encourage our business to positively impact the lives of the communities in which we work, in a positive way.


Our Little Litter Pickers programme encourages children to understand ways to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, and the wider environmental impact our actions today will have for decades to come. The FREE programme is open to education providers teaching KS1 to KS5 offers a pre-visit lesson and litter pick, visit to our state of the art recycling innovation centre for a day of interactive learning with our fully qualified teacher, and follow up resources for teachers, to continue their waste minimisation journey.

Local Community.

We do our bit to ensure that we make a positive difference to the communities in which we operate. We plant over 250 trees every year and organise multiple litter picks with our colleagues and customers coming together to improve their surroundings. We are also proud to support a number of local sports teams in our areas of operation including Shaw Villa FC, Bromborough and Eastham Juniors and North East Leeds juniors this season.

Download Our Brochure.

Find out more about us by downloading our brochure here.

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