B&M Waste Services, a carbon neutral waste management company are warning customers and the general public alike of the danger of sleeping in bins. It is a sad truth that many homeless people seek refuge in large waste containers, particularly those containing cardboard, which are cleaner than mixed waste bins.
Devastatingly, across the country a number people sleeping in bins die every year, and this is something B&M Waste are wanting to raise awareness of to try and reduce this happening.
They’ve produced a video demonstrating the dangers as well as showing what it would be like to be emptied from a bin into a waste truck which compacts the waste.
Mick Ashall, Director at B&M Waste Services introduces the video and comments; “Here at B&M Waste Services, as part of our Every Day a Safe Day health and safety programme, we know one of the industry’s major
hazards is people seeking refuge in bins. This leads to a real risk of life-threatening or fatal injury, as the bins are emptied into vehicles where the waste is compacted. We’ve made a video to raise awareness with our customers and the general public so they can let us know if they have any worries about people sleeping in our bins so we can help. We work with Shelter and also Streetlink who will assist the person and eliminate the risk of injury to them.”
“We want people to share our video online and spread the word that this is a real danger to life, and not an option we would encourage.”