News Article

Dr Wendy Buckley : B&M’s Commitment to Carbon Neutrality

B&M Waste Services are delighted to showcase Dr Wendy Buckley, Director and Co-Founder of Carbon Footprint, talking about how B&M are committed to developing world class sustainability programmes, which also benefits their customers. Environmental regulations mean that companies are required to consider their waste management, and this article will demonstrate the work B&M Waste Services have done to reduce carbon emissions and in doing so, improve the environmental efficiency of customers.

Introducing Dr Wendy Buckley   

Dr Wendy Buckley originally trained in applied physics and has worked in both the public and private sector (including blue chip organisations). She is also Chair of the Sustainable Business Network in North Hampshire so, it is safe to say, she knows exactly what she is talking about when it comes to assisting companies to become Carbon Neutral and minimise their impact on the environment.

What does it mean to be carbon neutral?

Being carbon neutral means making or resulting in no net release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
B&M are very proud to have been carbon neutral for over five years now but you may wonder how we have achieved this?

How does a company become carbon neutral?

  1. Measurement – First a measurement of current carbon impact is completed. This is an annual process.
  2. Management – A carbon management plan in created, which includes all the internal changes planned to reduce carbon emissions.
  3. Offsetting – Offsetting of carbon emissions with recognised international projects is the external part of the process.

Commitment to Carbon Neutrality: what changes have B&M Waste Services made?

  • Annual measurement of carbon footprint.
  • Internal changes to reduce carbon impact, such as optimising fleet, improved route planning and introducing electric vehicles.
  • Offset carbon emissions by planting over 200 trees and by supporting 12 recognised international projects including recent involvement with a landfill gas reclaim project in Turkey.

What are the results?

  • Reduction of internal emissions by over 30% since 2011.
  • Offset 14,250 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent to over 8,250 return flights from London to New York.

How can we help our customers become more sustainable through waste management?

  • Provide environmental reports that certify how much carbon the customer is saving by choosing B&M Waste Services to help you become greener.
  • We also send non-recyclable waste to RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) facilities that take waste that cannot be recycled and use it to create heat and power and avoid landfill, thus reducing the customer’s emissions by 325kg of CO2 per tonne.
  • All environmental reports are independently assessed by Carbon Footprint, so customer’s can be sure that all of claims about customer waste and environmental impact are 100% accurate.

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help your business’ carbon reduction commitment by providing world class waste management solutions, fill in the quote form at the top right of this page or call 0808 100 2434.













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