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B&M Waste Services help to avoid potentially disastrous motorway incident

B&M Waste Services’ employee Wendy Livesey is today receiving praise as a mixture of her H&S knowledge and keen-eyed vigilance helped to avert a potentially serious incident.

This week, Weighbridge Operator Wendy Livesey refused to load a vehicle owned by an external transport company due to take compacted bales of waste from Manchester to a Refuse Derived Fuel facility.Wendy Livesey

Wendy, following training provided by B&M Waste Services, noted the vehicle was not fit for the journey as a result of damage to the back doors of the vehicle that could have led to a motorway accident.

Of the damaged trailer, Wendy said “In my opinion it was unsafe to load as one of the back doors was missing a catch and one of the curtain sides didn’t open properly. Alarm bells started ringing when the driver mentioned that the door had previously swung open while she was driving”Damaged Door

Mick Ashall, Director said “As a company, B&M Waste Services are delighted with the actions of Wendy Livesey. In accordance with our OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety accreditation, B&M Waste Services place the upmost importance to the health & safety of staff and customers, and also the general public. It has always been our policy to ensure that at B&M, ‘Every Day is a Safe Day’ Therefore, it is extremely pleasing to note that our procedures are rigorous enough to upkeep the safety standards of our own fleet as well as external companies.”

Accident prevention is a key priority for the company. For details of another incident in which a B&M staff member helped avert a disaster, please refer to the article below.

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