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B&M Waste Services are the first to roll out EDOC in the UK

Carbon Neutral total waste management experts B&M Waste Services are the first waste management company in the UK to roll out the very latest technology in electronic waste transfer notes.

With over 7,000 customers in the UK ranging from SME’s to blue chip organisations, the new technology allows customers to register, sign and keep their legally required waste transfer notes online in an electronic format online.

Neil Curtis Manager Director at B&M talks about EDOC

Neil Curtis, Managing Director at B&M Waste Services said “As a business we are always streamlining our processes to be more efficient for our customers and more environmentally friendly. As soon as we were made aware that the Environment Agency was preparing to launch a new online system for recording waste transfers we were eager to be involved.

“The current paper-based system is outdated, time-consuming and costly, and doesn’t align with our recycling-led core values as a business, so we eagerly anticipated this new system. As a result, once implemented, our customers have benefited from a paperless system, which fits well with our Carbon Neutral status, which we have held since 2011.”

B&M Waste Services have been privileged to be involved in the Business Advisory Group for edoc and were able to advise and influence the development of the final product. Being a part of the group meant that B&M were involved with testing the online system prior to its release.

B&M are now leading the way in the industry to ensure customers’ have access to information at the touch of a button, and encourage companies looking for an efficient and easy switch to an award-winning waste management service to get in touch for a free waste audit. Check out or call 0808 100 2434

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