Wirral-based B&M Waste Services has massively supported the brand new OnSide Youth Zone in Chorley by diverting 100% of waste from landfill.
Nicknamed “Inspire” by local young people, Chorley Youth Zone is a purpose-built facility for the town’s young people aged 8-19 – and up to 25 for those with disabilities. Officially opening last weekend following a series of soft launches with local schools and clubs, the centre wanted to ensure its waste strategy was as inspiring as its services. Already a Patron of The Hive, OnSide Youth Zone inWirral, B&M Waste Services was an obvious choice.
B&M will support the facility in sending all of its waste for energy recovery – a process known as Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) – through general waste collection and separate food waste collections, which will go through Anaerobic Digestion.
David Brewer, Inspire Youth Zone’s Building Manager commented; “It’s great working with B&M Waste who are also Patrons of The Hive Youth Zone in Wirral. They’ve set up our waste collections seamlessly and it’s a fantastic accolade that they will be diverting 100% of our waste from landfill”.
Josh Cairns, B&M Waste Account Manager for the Youth Zone said; “Inspire truly lives up to its name. It’s an incredible centre that is going to do so much good for the community. I’m so pleased that B&M Waste can support that through an innovative and environmentally-conscious waste strategy.”