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B&M triumphs at 2016 Waste World Cup

B&M won the top prize at this years’ Waste World Cup, beating the three-time champion Valpak with a stunning victory at the University of Northampton on Friday (2 September).

With an impressive 4-0 score in the tournament’s final match, B&M denied Valpak the opportunity to lift the trophy for the second consecutive year.

The fourteenth annual waste industry 6-a-side tournament saw 24 mixed-gender teams go head-to-head for the prize of being the sector’s football champion.Waste World Cup 2016 Champions

Teams from companies including Bagnall & Morris Waste Services, Biffa, Bywaters, Grundon, FCC Environment, Mick George, Saica Natur, Sharpsmart UK, Suez, Sweeep Kuusakoski, Taylor Bins and Wybone took part in the day’s competitions.

Other winners included Wybone, who won the Plate Tournament 1-0 against SWR Waste Management, Veolia with a 3-1 win against Mick George in the Bowl Tournament, and a 2-0 victory for SWEEEP against 1st Degree in the Shield Tournament.

Terry Milner, Sales Director at B&M Waste and ‘Gaffer’, commented on the success “This is a proud moment for me as we have taken part in this event for a number of years and it seems that our lucky Tranmere shirts coupled with an enthusiastic and strong team have aided our success. The team have done a great job and we congratulate all the other waste companies for their sportsmanship. It’s a great event that organise. We are thrilled to have won this highly prestigious trophy.’

Tranmere Rovers Chairman Mark Palios added: “I’m delighted to see B&M win the Waste World Cup and congratulate them on their success.

“It’s fantastic to see a trophy being lifted by a team wearing Tranmere shirts and hopefully something we can emulate this season.”

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