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B&M Secure Shredding urge companies to be vigilant with their data

Offering a secure shredding and data destruction service to businesses across the UK B&M Secure Shredding are urging customers to be cautious with their customer data following the recently reported Kiddicare case, where customer data was stolen from a ‘test’ website.Paul Curtis Director of B&M Secure Shredding

Paul Curtis, Director at B&M Secure Shredding said “Ensuring your customer, employee, financial and competitively sensitive data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands not only keeps you compliant with the data protection Act, but also protects your business continuity. Impact on both company reputation and the large fines which can be imposed for non-compliance with the legislation, both mean companies simply cannot afford to be complacent.”

“Incorporating a secure shredding service with locked containers collected by a reputable company compliant to BS EN 15713 standards, is one way to protect your company data. However, with the expansion of electronic holding of data, a stringent process to install the appropriate technology to safeguard that data needs to go hand in hand with safe and compliant degaussing and disposal of computer hardware and data holding devices.”

“B&M Secure Shredding offer a free consultation to businesses interested in protecting their data, more details of which can be found on our website

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