B&M attended the Parrs Wood High School Efficiency and Recycling Convention to celebrate the success of their waste management programmes. Focusing on the ways that schools can achieve energy and financial savings, the student CO2 environmental team explained how their recycling scheme was developed in partnership with B&M.
Since 2012, B&M have been working with Parrs Wood High School to provide sustainable waste management solutions to help reduce the school’s carbon footprint. This has led to the school achieving a recycling rate of at least 92% from no recycling at all previous to working with B&M.
In addition to this, thanks to the work of the Parrs Wood CO2 environmental team, they have been selected by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to act as a role model to other schools across Manchester.
Speaking at the convention, B&M explained how the services that we offer – including Confidential Shredding and segregation options for recyclables, food, metals, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment – can benefit schools. This includes actively working with the students at Parrs Wood to promote a culture change which saw students and staff embrace an environmentally friendly approach to waste.
We also heard about the School Energy Efficiency Programme from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Manchester City Council provided updated information about their Environmental Education Programme.
Working in partnership and building strong relationships with our customers is something that we value at B&M and we are proud to continually improve our service offering to achieve the highest possible recycling and recovery rates.
Parrs Wood High School said: “B&M came across brilliantly as our main sponsors, giving the correct impression that they are a pleasure to work with. We enjoy working with B&M, with the school’s recycling record speaking for itself and the event proved to be a resounding success all round!”