News Article

And I will drive 12,000 miles, and I will drive 12,000 more…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFriend of B&M Waste Services Carl Difazia has recently completed the 12,000 mile journey from Beihai in China to the Wirral – for fun!

After detailed planning of routes, visas and security considerations Carl set off in his brand new camper van to drive through Mongolia, Russia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, German, Denmark, Belgium and France to arrive in the UK via P&O ferries who welcomed him warmly with food, drinks and a video crew as this was the first Chinese vehicle to have travelled on the ferry.

Some of the more challenging parts of the routes involved travelling through two deserts – the Siberian and Gobi desert (the driest place on earth). He also had to purchase and carry a gun for part of the journey for protection in unstable environments.



Carl said “Being retired, I’m always looking for my next challenge. It really has been an amazing experience and I’ve met lots of wonderful people. I’m grateful to Ken and the B&M mechanics team for fixing up the van ready for my returning 12,000 miles!”

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