The Lily Mae Foundation provides much-needed support to parents and families who have lost a baby to stillbirth, neonatal death, miscarriage or medical termination.
Despite its frequency, there is very little public perception of the devastating impact of stillbirth, neonatal death, miscarriage and medical termination on parents, their families and friends.
Working alongside medical and healthcare professionals, other charities and the All Party Parliamentary Group for Babyloss, the Foundation wants to be recognised as the main provider of bereavement support for families who have lost a baby to stillbirth, neonatal death, miscarriage or medical termination in the West Midlands.
As well as our regular annual donation, we promote The Lily Mae Foundation on the sides of our West Midlands vehicles to raise awareness in the region. We participate in fundraising activities throughout the year, including sponsoring their annual golf day and dinner dance and our B&M charity truck pull fundraising event.
The funds they receive help them to provide:
As a family owned and operated company we support charities in our local communities, developing long-term relationships with them as we create awareness, volunteer and raise funds.