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B&M Waste show their support for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

Children’s Heart Surgery group pictureFollowing a tour of the Children’s Heart Surgery Ward at Leeds General Infirmary, where the children on the ward were presented with gifts of teddies in wheelie bins, Director David Curtis presented the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund Charity with a cheque for £2000 to show their support.

Director of B&M Waste, said “The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund provides aanninvaluable assistance to very poorly children who are undergoing major surgery. The support for both children and their families is incredibly valuable and we are truly proud to support them.”

David joined fellow B&M representatives Paul Hoddy, Senior BDM, Nyomi Tordoff BDM and Nicola Chadwick, Sales Administrator on the tour.

Nicola said “The visit today was really good, very hard to see a lot of it but I think it made us all think about why we’re doing it all. And Paul has even agreed to volunteer for the Children’s Party at Christmas!”

Nicola will be further raising funds for the charity when she takes part in a sky dive organised by the charity on 17th September. If you’d like to show your support you can sponsor her on her Just Giving Page here:

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