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Employment Fair with Crisis in Liverpool is hailed a success

Employment fair with Crisis

Employment fair with Crisis logoOn Thursday 6th October, Crisis, a national charity for single homeless people held an employment fair in Liverpool. Crisis’ clients spoke with ourselves B&M Waste Services Ltd and various other local businesses about current and future job opportunities and vacancies, as we attended the Employment fair with Crisis. Having run apprenticeships for Transport/Fleet, Waste Transfer and Finance departments we were able to offer advice on training, apprenticeships and long-term career progression within our industry.

Crisis also operate Skylight Centres across the UK including Birmingham, Edinburgh, London, Merseyside, Wales and many other places. They have been awarded and accredited for their education, training and employment centres, as they offer practical and creative workshops in a supportive and inspiring environment with formal learning opportunities that lead to qualifications and
finding work.

Crisis work in the following key areas:

Employment, Crisis have their own dedicated employment team to help people find and keep jobs, as it can be soul destroying to lose a job.
Education, I.T literacy and numerously classes are provided to help people cope better with everyday life, budgeting or paying the bills.
Housing, Crisis ensures that people settle into their new homes, they have supported 28 schemes to create 2,675 tenancies for homeless people.
Health and wellbeing, research commissioned by Crisis reveals that the average age of death for homeless people is just 47 years old, Crisis try and help prevent the young deaths by running workshops such as Yoga, Karate, Pilates and counselling services.
Christmas, during Christmas Crisis help every year to provide companionship and support, to tackle loneliness and isolation, and help people take their first steps out of homelessness.

Employment fair with Crisis standCrisis are always looking for volunteers to help the charity, they are currently looking in the Merseyside area for events volunteers, art, functional skills, and technical skills classroom assistant volunteers and administration volunteers, you can find out more on their website.

B&M Waste Services EQHSC Manager, Ann McMurrie, commented “We are proud to have been involved in such a worthwhile event. The waste management industry often has openings of employment which suit those who arEmployment fair with Crisis stand Nicolae looking to get back into work after a period of homelessness. We have recently launched our winter health and safety campaign called ‘Refuse not Refuge’, which looks to raise awareness among the homeless community about the dangers of sleeping in bins.

We work closely with
a number of homeless charities to try to alleviate the danger of death from this all too common issue. Additionally, as a family run company, we take our corporate and social responsibility very seriously, and look to engage with and employ those looking to return to work when suitable vacancies arise.”





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