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Childhood Tumour Trust continue to support children with NF1 with generous donation from B&M Waste Services

Continuing their commitment to working with charities across the country, B&M Waste Services are proud to present their Manchester Depot’s nominated charity, Childhood Tumour Trust, with a cheque for £3250.

Working to raise awareness and support the children and families of those diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF1), the Childhood Tumour Trust launched in 2016 to bring together families with children who are affected by this genetic condition.

Vanessa Martin, Founder of Childhood Tumour Trust, commented “We are so grateful for the ongoing support from B&M Waste , not only with their financial contribution which means that we can plan ahead, but with the ever important issue of  raising awareness of Neurofibromatosis.  To work with a company whose ethics are important to them, also means a lot to us.”

The more families and healthcare professionals that become aware of the condition the better. Whilst NF1 has many symptoms, the majority of children with the condition will have 6 or more coffee coloured marks on their body – often dismissed as ‘simply’ birth marks. We encourage any parent who may be concerned about this, to approach their health visitor or doctor.

Jayne Kennedy, Senior Marketing and Social Value Manager at B&M Waste Services said “One of our waste operatives, Mark Anderson, made us aware of CTT as his son Sam lives with NF1. He has been extremely grateful for the charity’s support through their online Facebook group, as well as their annual family day out to Alton Towers, and suggested they become our nominated charity. We’ve supported them ever since. I’ve been so impressed at how far they have come from being just a group of concerned parents to supporting over 700 families across the country, with a great number of those being from the Manchester area. The team of volunteers are working to ensure families get the support they need, and that healthcare professionals become aware of the condition; we are immensely proud to be supporting such a fantastic charity, and urge other businesses to join in too.”

To find out more about NF1 and the Childhood Tumour Trust visit

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