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B&M Waste Services and Frost Foundation helping disadvantaged children across Greater Manchester

B&M Waste Services, a family owned and operated waste management and recycling company, aim to support the local communities in which they operate. The latest charity to collaborate with the business is The Frost Foundation, based in Greater Manchester.

The charity is established to help children who are disadvantaged by illness, circumstance or lack of funding. The aim is to support children and teenagers in the Greater Manchester area with specialised pieces of equipment to help them live their lives to the full. The charity will never give cash or vouchers, only items that the children will benefit from having to make their lives easier.

Frost Foundation Charity receiving hampers.


For B&M Waste Services, corporate social responsibility is about managing our business in a way that enhances the positive and minimises the negative economic, social and environmental impacts of our activities. B&M Waste Services also offer work experience, apprenticeships, and graduate schemes.

B&M Waste Services support the Frost Foundation and recently donated Christmas food hampers to be sent to families across Manchester. Currently, B&M Waste Services have dedicated a vehicle which will soon be stickered up to promote the fantastic work of the Frost Foundation do and help spread the word about the charity across Greater Manchester.

Wendy Veevers, Founder of the Frost Foundation Charity said ‘’I am really thankful for what B&M Waste are doing for the charity. I’m honoured to be a part of such a great company.’’

Terry Milner, Sales Director at B&M Waste
‘‘We feel privileged to be a part of this charity, it is a great cause, helping children and families across Manchester who really need it. We look forward to continuing to assist the charity even more in the future.’’


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